Adriaan Raemdonck (1945) started his gallery De Zwarte Panter in Antwerp, Belgium, in 1968, still being a student at the art academy. He organized several exhibitions, such as those dedicated to Wilfredo Lam, Jan Cox, Fred Bervoets, Jan Vanriet, and Dr Hugo Heyrman. He collaborated with Iris Clert, a Parisian avant- garde gallerist, and is also a publisher. De Zwarte Panter is the oldest gallery for contemporary art in Flanders. He is the president of the Belgian Modern and Contemporary Art Galleries (BUP) and the F.E.A.G.A. He takes care of the regular F.E.A.G.A. newsletters, providing essential news to all the members. Adriaan Raemdonck got several awards, especially because of his broad interest and activities in various cultural fields, like literature, music, and film.