Matthew Fuller works on art, science, politics, and aesthetics.  His books include How to Sleep: The Art, Biology, and Culture of Unconsciousness (Bloomsbury 2018), How to Be a Geek: Essays on the Culture of Software (Polity 2017), with Olga Goriunova, Bleak Joys: Aesthetics of Ecology and Impossibility (Minnesota 2019) and with Eyal Weizman, Investigative Aesthetics: Conflicts and Commons in the Politics of Truth (Verso 2021). With Shu Lea Cheang, he has developed a series of short- and longer-term events of ‘art by sleepers, art for sleepers and art as sleep. He is Professor of Cultural Studies at Goldsmiths, University of London, and part of the editorial collective of Computational Culture, a journal of software studies 

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