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Talking Galleries
Focus Digital

MACBA Barcelona

A talks programme on the crossroads of art and technology


On Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th of June 2023 Talking Galleries celebrated the special edition ‘Focus Digital’, a 2-day talks programme on the crossroads between art and tech, at the MACBA museum in Barcelona.

With the participation of Pau Alsina (UOC / Hac Te), Rob Anders (Niio), Maria Arnal (artist). Roberta Bosco (El País), Xavier Bové (La Salle Campus Barcelona), Bani Brusadin (curator), Fernando Cucchietti (Barcelona Supercomputing Center), Antònia Folguera (Sònar +D), Matthew Fuller (Goldsmisths), Gary Gautier (Casa Batlló), David Gryn (Daata), Valérie Hasson-Benillouche (Galerie Charlot), Oscar Hormigos  (Colección SOLO), Carolina Jiménez (Hangar), Mario Klingemman (artist), Wolf Lieser (DAM), Anna Manubens (Hangar), Marta Mateu (Meta), Joana Moll (artist), Lluís Nacenta (curator), Oriol Pastor (MIRA Festival), Andrés Reisinger (artist), Mónica Rikić (artist), Steven Sacks (bitforms gallery), Pep Salazar (OFFF Festival), Jordi Sellas (IDEAL), Carles Sora (CITM-UPC), José Luis de Vicente (Disseny Hub Barcelona), Santi Vilanova (Playmodes), Pau Waelder (Niio) and Silvia Zayas (artist). 

As a think tank dedicated to the analysis and reflection around the art world and with the aim to promote and participate in the most current debates, Talking Galleries presented a special talks programme on the crossroads between art and technology, to discuss how digital technology is transforming artistic creation at different levels.

With the intention of highlighting Barcelona’s vibrant digital innovation ecosystem and fostering a space for connection with the visual arts sector, the meeting brought together key figures in the digital creativity realm from national and international scope.


Download the pdf version here 

Day 1 – Monday 26th June

9.00 – 9.45 | Arrival & registration
9.45 – 10.00 | Welcome speeches

Elvira Dyangani Ose, Director, MACBA
Llucià Homs, Fundador and Director, Talking Galleries
Edgar Garcia, Director, Institut Català d’Empreses Culturals, Generalitat de

10.00-11.00 | “20+ Years at the Forefront of New Media Art” 

Steven Sacks, bitforms gallery, New York 
In conversation with Pau Waelder, Senior Curator, Niio 

Talk in English 

Steven Sacks

Founder and director, bitforms gallery

Pau Waelder

Senior Curator, Niio

11.00-12.15 |
“Research Environments at the Crossroads Between Art, Technology and Science”  

– Pau Alsina, Program Director ‘Art i Tecnología’ UOC, Co-Director Hac Te, Barcelona  
Xavier Bové, Artist and Director del Grau and Máster en Arts Digitals, La Salle Campus Barcelona (URL), Barcelona
– Carles Sora Domenjó, Director, Centro de la Imagen y la Tecnología Multimedia CITM / UPC, Barcelona  
– Silvia Zayas, Artist and researcher, Barcelona 

Moderator: Carolina Jiménez, Research and knowledge transfer programs, Hangar, Barcelona

Talk in Spanish  

Pau Alsina

UOC / Hac Te

Xavier Bové

La Salle Campus Barcelona (URL)

Carolina Jiménez

Research and knowledge transfer programs, Hangar

Carles Sora

Director, Center for Image and Multimedia Technologies (CITM), UPC

Silvia Zayas

Artist & researcher

Coffee break 

12.45-14.00 |
“Silent Code: Unspectacular Art Moves Within the Digital”   

– Matthew Fuller, Professor of Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London 
Joana Moll, Artist and researcher, Barcelona 

Moderator: Anna Manubens, Director, Hangar, Barcelona 

Talk in English 

Matthew Fuller

Professor of Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London

Anna Manubens

Director at Hangar

Joana Moll

Artist and researcher

Lunch break 

15.20-15.50 | Presentation “Digital Creativity and Business Transformation” 

Marta Mateu, Global Creative Strategy Lead, Meta 

Talk in Catalan 

Marta Mateu

Global Creative Strategy Lead, Meta


16.00-16.30 | Artist talk | A Conversation Between Andrés Reisinger and José Luis de Vicente”  

Andrés Reisinger, Artist and founder of Reisinger Studio, Barcelona/ Madrid 
José Luis de Vicente, Director, Museu del Disseny, Disseny Hub Barcelona 

Talk in Spanish  

Andrés Reisinger

Founder of Reisinger Studio

Jose Luis de Vicente

Director, Disseny Hub Barcelona

16.30-17.45 | “Festivals, a Circuit for Digital Creativity” 

– Antònia Folguera, Curator, Sónar +D, Barcelona  
Oriol Pastor, Director, MIRA Festival, Barcelona 
– Pep Salazar, CEO, OFFF Festival, Barcelona   

Moderator: Llucià Homs, Talking Galleries   

Talk in Catalan  

Antònia Folguera

Curator, Sónar+D

Llucià Homs

Founder Talking Galleries

Oriol Pastor

Founder MIRA Festival

Pep Salazar



DAY 2 – Tuesday 27th June

10.00-11.00 | “The Role of Galleries in the Digital Art Market”  

– Valérie Hasson-Benillouche, Director, Galerie Charlot, París  
Wolf Lieser, Founder and Director, DAM, Berlin   

Moderator: Pau Waelder, Senior Curator, Niio  

Talk in English 

Valérie Hasson-Benillouche

Founder Galerie Charlot

Wolf Lieser

Director and Founder, DAM, Berlin

Pau Waelder

Senior Curator, Niio


11.00-12.00 |
“Navigating Online: Marketplaces for Digital Art”   

– Rob Anders. Co-Founder and CEO, Niio 
David Gryn, Director and Founder, Daata  

Moderator: Pep Salazar, CEO, OFFF Festival  

Talk in English 

Rob Anders

Co-founder and CEO, Niio

David Gryn

Founder Daata

Pep Salazar


Coffee break

12.30-13.45 | Artificial Intelligence, a New Creative Paradigm   

– María Arnal, Artist, Barcelona 
– Fernando Cucchietti, Head of Data Analytics and Visualisation, Barcelona Super Computing, Barcelona
– Mario Klingemann, Artist, Berlin  

Moderator: Lluís Nacenta, curator and researcher, Barcelona

Talk in English 

Fernando Cucchietti

Head of Data Analytics and Visualisation, Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Lluis Nacenta

Curator and researcher

Lunch break

15.15-15.45 |
Presentation “Ways of Collecting Between Art and Technology”   

Oscar Hormigos, Chief Creative Officer, Colección SOLO, Madrid

Talk in Spanish 

Oscar Hormigos

Chief Creative Officer, Colección SOLO


15.45-16.45 |
Artist talk 
“Creative Encounters Between Science and Technology”

Mónica Rikić, Electronic artist, Barcelona
Santi Vilanova, CEO, Playmodes, Barcelona      

Moderator: Bani Brusadin, Curator, educator and researcher 

Talk in Spanish 

Bani Brusadin

Curator, educator, and researcher.

 Mónica Rikić

Electronic artist

Santi Vilanova

Co-founder Playmodes


16.45-18.00 |
Displaying Digital Art. Challenges and Opportunities” 

– Gary Gautier, Director, Casa Batlló, Barcelona   
Jordi Sellas, Director, IDEAL. Centre d’Arts Digitals de Barcelona  
– José Luis de Vicente, Director, Museu del Disseny, Disseny Hub Barcelona 

Moderator: Roberta Bosco, cultural journalist and curator  

Talk in Spanish 

Roberta Bosco

Cultural Journalist and curator

Gary Gautier

General Manager, Casa Battló

Jordi Sellas

Director, IDEAL. Centre d’Arts Digitals de Barcelona

Jose Luis de Vicente

Director, Disseny Hub Barcelona


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