Wolf Lieser discovered digital art in 1987. At the beginning with a gallery in Wiesbaden and then for 3 years from 1999 to 2002 as a partner in Colville Place Gallery in London, at that time the first gallery dedicated to digital art. In 2000 he launched Digital Art Museum DAM, an online museum for the history of digital art. 2003 he moved to Berlin and opened the commercial DAM Projects gallery. From 2005 – 2012 the DAM DIGITAL ART AWARD DDAA was endowed every second year to be a pioneer in this field. 2023 will see its relaunch. His book Digital Art was published in 6 languages in 2009. Wolf Lieser represents the entire development from the first pioneers in the 1960s to the contemporary developments with AR, VR, and AI. 

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