Christian M. Alonso

Christian M. Alonso holds a BA in Art History by the University of Barcelona and the Universiteit van Amsterdam (2011). In 2012/13 he graduated from a MA Degree in Advanced Studies in Art History (2013) at the University of Barcelona with the final project The Artistic Practice to the Post-Natural Condition of Society. Art and Ecology, 2000-2013. Since 2008 he has focused his interest in visual studies, curation and analysis of the artistic practices from World War II. He is currently a PhD Associated Researcher for the Research Group Art Art Globalization Interculturality (AGI) where his thesis develops about the tensions between contemporary art and ecology in the age of Anthropocene, directed by Anna Maria Guasch. Christian is artistic director and curator of the video-essay cycle Prácticas documentales en la era de la globalización neoliberal: estéticas y políticas hosted Creació de Fotografía Documental (CFD). He has coordinated the training seminar “ON MEDIATION: Theory and Curatorial Practices in the Global Art” since 2013.

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