Going Green: Can Galleries Contribute to the Climate Change?
Cap a un món més verd: les galeries poden contribuir al canvi climàtic?
Recorded interview
Tuesday 21, January | 13.15-13.30
Laura Pando Martinez, Managing Director, Julie’s Bicycle, London
In conversation with Llucià Homs, Director, Talking Galleries
This interview took place on January 6 2020, at Julie’s Bicycle’s offices in London.
Within the art world, the debate on climate change has been on the international agenda for a while already—from both the curatorial and artists’ practice—but scarcely explored within the art market and gallery field.
It might be too soon for a dedicated presentation or training session, but it is definitely high time we asked ourselves what role should the art market—and its globetrotting community—occupy within this debate and how it can contribute to climate change.
Galleries are slowly beginning to develop a certain eco-awareness and to care about cutting carbon footprint, but still, questions arise easier than answers. Which are the first steps we should take towards a sustainable management? Which are the key aspects in the art business that have negative impact on the environment? In short, how could the global art market industry incorporate such growing environmental awareness?
Laura Pando-Martínez—Managing Director of Julie’s Bicycle, the London-based organisation devoted to developing strategies for environmental sustainability in the cultural arena—will explain us why galleries should pay attention to this topic and take on the pressing challenge.