Artists Agencies

Presentation led by Alain Servais. Respondent: Adam Sheffer
Tuesday, 3 November 2015 | 10.00h-11.30h

Based on auction volumes, the revenues of the contemporary art market have multiplied by 16 between 2001 and 2008. Can the club-like attitude of the art market before 2001 still endure with the influx of new money? And what about the relationship between artists and galleries?

Let’s begin by asking ourselves what are the key services that artists and clients expect from a gallerist. It amounts to increasing fixed costs, which are raising the pressure on the gallerist. We will analyze how this could create a conflict of interest between the gallery and the artists it represents.

All other creative industries seem to have developed functioning agencies for the arts, architecture and sport at large; why has this not been the case for the fine art industry? And could it be a positive solution to the challenges brought up by the industrialisation of the art market?

Alain Servais will outline the profile of an independent service platform, which includes legal, production, PR and counselling assistance for artists to the exclusion of any selling. This platform would be a complement to the gallery and in no way it would constitute a competition.​

Can it work? Will it fulfil a need?

Adam Sheffer

Partner and Sales Director, Cheim & Read; President, Art Dealers Association of America

Alain Servais

Art collector and entrepreneur

‘ARTISTS’ AGENCIES’, Presentation led by Alain Servais; Respondent: Adam Sheffer.



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