Important Considerations of the Artist/Gallerist Relationship

Debate led by Elizabeth Dee
Monday, 2 November 2015 | 15.30h-17.00h

A gallery’s mission is to help artists find their place in terms of curatorial audience and market. The road map for each artist is individual. How is the balance of roles in the market and museum space determined? What is the model for the future? Following these premises, the discussion will revolve around the following guidelines:

  • What do artists expect from galleries?
  • How can galleries better respond to the artists’ needs?
  • Is the Castelli model -based on discovering and nurturing young artists, supporting their development and building a commercial market for their work-, still viable today? Is there something that should be added, changed or further explored?
  • Are loyalty and ‘complicity’ notions that still should be preserved and protected as essential in the artist-gallerist relation, or should these concepts be understood in a rather different way than in the past?
  • Should artists be treated as partners in order to communicate the programme of the gallery?
  • How does the gallery programme as a whole reflect and interface with individual agendas?

Elizabeth Dee

Founder, Elizabeth Dee Gallery; co-founder, Independent



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