Buying Time: The Market For Video Art and Moving Image
Comprant Temp: el Mercat Del Videoart i la Imatge en Moviment

Haro Cumbusyan, Founding Director, collectorspace, Istanbul
Miguel Àngel Sánchez, Director, ADN Galeria, Barcelona
Moderated by Carolina Ciuti, Artistic Director, LOOP Barcelona
In a market that constantly demands materiality, and where traditional media such as painting and sculpture are easily subject to speculation, video is perceived as ephemeral and often regarded with suspicion by most private collectors. In some way evoking the processes of dematerialization and object annihilation once presented by Conceptual art, video has long been considered as only peripherally collectible.
Regardless of the progressive introduction of film and video into public collections, most private collectors are still unprepared to properly relate to “non-objectual and non-rare” art pieces. Indeed, despite the market’s many efforts to turn video works into salable goods, they still escape the precepts of traditional collecting and demand the most committed and passionate keepers.
Taking this consideration into account, this conversation will review the status of video while questioning the crucial role of gallerists and institutions in fostering a wider appreciation of the medium and in guaranteeing its circulation in the art market. Issues such as the co-existence of the limited edition model with open streaming platforms, as well as the figure of the gallerist and collector as producers will also be touched upon.


Carolina Ciuti

Artistic Director, LOOP Barcelona Video Art Festival, Barcelona

Haro Cumbusyan

Founding Director, collectorspace, Istanbul

Miguel Angel Sanchez

Director, ADN Galeria, Barcelona


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