New Online Trends For Galleries to Implement in 2020
Noves Tendències Online Que Les Galeries Poden Implementar El 2020
Presentation & Discussion
Tuesday 21, January | 15.00-16.00
Jal Hamad, Director, Galería Sabrina Amrani, Madrid
Sofie Van de Velde, Director, Gallery Sofie Van de Velde, Antwerp
Presented and moderated by Dustyn Kim, Chief Revenue Officer, Artsy, New York
Selling art online is no longer a trend—it’s the norm. Now more than ever, it’s crucial for emerging and mid-sized galleries to consider the huge opportunity the online market represents to galleries’ day-to-day business, as well as the positive impact a strong digital strategy can have on reaching new buyers.
In this presentation and panel discussion, we will address key findings from Artsy’s annual “Artsy Gallery Insights: 2020 Report” for which more than 1,000 galleries were surveyed from 75+ countries about their digital marketing and sales strategies. We will then discuss the practical applications of these findings to get to the heart of how galleries can increase their share of the ever-growing portion of the online art market.