“Digital Solutions in the Face of Covid-19”
Monday, 21st Sept 2020
11am EST | 5pm CET | 11pm HKT
During the Covid-19 pandemic the art market triggered a great leap towards online. Galleries and auction houses rapidly moved their offerings digital and seized on the opportunities available through technology to expand their digital sales. How have major art players responded to the challenge? In this talk key industry professionals will discuss the role of digital in the art market during and since the lockdown.
Sam Orlofsky, Director, Gagosian, New York
Marina Ruiz Colomer, Director Specialist, Head of Day Sale Contemporary, Sotheby’s, London
Elena Soboleva, Director of Online Sales, David Zwirner, New York
Jane Morris, Editor-at-Large, The Art Newspaper and Cultureshock, London


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Marina Ruiz Colomer

Director Specialist, Head of Day Sale Contemporary, Sotheby’s, London

Sam Orlofsky

Director, Gagosian, New York

Elena Soboleva

DIrector of Online Sales, David Zwirner, New York

Jane Morris

Editor-at-Large, The Art Newspaper and Cultureshock, London

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