How to Choose the Right Fair for You?

Presentation led by Annamária Molnár
Monday, 2 November 2015 | 17.30h-18.30h

In this presentation Molnár will examine the crucial dilemmas that young and emerging galleries face when designing and implementing their art fair strategy, such as: local vs international presence; the ideal number of fairs per year; mix of top global vs specialised or local fairs. She will compare research results concerning different rankings, as well as the national/regional compositions of top art fairs, the attendance of which could be the ultimate goal for an emerging gallery (and the regular presence for established galleries).

In order to broaden the topic, the research results will be complemented with opinions from key figures in the art fair world. Molnár will then present historical data series on the art fair participation of some galleries, which have successfully climbed up on the art fair ladder, and now belong to the leading galleries of the global art world. She will also share her personal experience on the art fair path of her own emerging gallery.

Annamária Molnár

Founder and Director, Ani Molnár Gallery



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