18-19 September 2015

Two panel discussions led by Chris Dercon and Chus Martínez

In partnership with Berlin Art Week at the abc art berlin contemporary

Berlin Art Week and TALKING GALLERIES are proud to cooperate for the first time in creating a site-specific event, presenting two panels discussions especially devised to reflect and contrast upon international trends and the particular gallery landscape of Berlin.

Berlin is home to a large number of galleries and a very vital and exciting art scene. TALKING GALLERIES/BERLIN offers the opportunity to consolidate the city’s leading position in exploring new gallery practices. However, the art system is going through profound economic, technological and sociopolitical changes that have great impact of the place of galleries in this shifting reality. This new environment affects and challenges the very nature of the gallery’s role.

TALKING GALLERIES / BERLIN offers a forum for exchange with two panel discussions on 18 SEP and 19 SEP at Station-Berlin, before the abc art berlin contemporary opens its doors. Held as morning sessions, the programme appeals to both gallery professionals and  art enthusiasts alike. It is an exciting addition to Berlin Art Week, taking place at abc art berlin contemporary / Station Berlin, Hall 8.


Download the programme here 

Friday, 18 September 2015
11.00am – 12.30pm

The Added Value of Working Alongside a Gallery

Moderator: Chris Dercon
Speakers: Sabine Breitwieser, Angela Choon,  Harald Falckenberg

The role of the gallery is not only determined by the market but is also related to the introduction of cultural products into the commercial sphere.  The process of mediation that the gallery has carried out since its origins has changed. It has moved on from reading the established codes and narratives to creating interpretative spaces, generating codes and narratives by itself.  Contemporary art galleries nowadays propose debates between artists and the community, building up their careers and new critical memories of the present in the process. Dealing, curating, exhibiting, publishing, promoting and educating are amongst their set of responsibilities, generating a unique kind of knowledge which must be communicated as an asset for the art ecosystem at large.

This panel will explore why it is better to  have a gallery as counterpart when preparing exhibitions, compiling catalogues and generally dealing with the artists’ work.  The session takes into account the viewpoints of different agents in the field.

Chris Dercon

Director of Tate Modern, London, documentary filmmaker, and curator.

Sabine Breitwieser

Director of the Museum der Moderne Salzburg

Angela Choon

Senior Partner at David Zwirner, London

Harald Falckenberg

Art collector, Falckenberg Collection of Contemporary Art, Hamburg

Saturday, 19 September 2015
11.00am – 12.30pm

How to grow with your artists? Different gallery models

Moderator: Chus Martinez
Speakers: Victor Gisler, Łukasz Gorczyca, Jochen Meyer

Relationships between gallerists and artists are close commitments and collaborations that may involve passion and aversion, trust and legal relations, great risks and money profits for both parts. The art gallery’s mission is to help artists finding their place -in terms of audience and market- in the context of the contemporary art production, even if the market is reluctant. Gallerists therefore become  interfaces at different levels for the artists, supporting them and also helping them deal with their ambition, anxieties, emulation, rivalries, etc. They are managers, advisors and professional developers, who deal with the tensions of the creativity process itself, but also with propositions coming from museums and institutions, art fairs and even other galleries.

This panel will have representatives of some internationally recognised contemporary art galleries in order to share their best practices, models and modus operandi

Chus Martínez

Director of the Institute of Art at the FHNW Academy of Art and Design, Basel

Victor Gisler

Founder of Mai 36 Gallery, Zurich; Former Art Basel Committee member

Łukasz Gorczyca

Art Writer, Curator, Founder of Raster Gallery, Warsaw

Jochen Meyer

Founder of Meyer Riegger, member of Berlin Gallery Weekend and abc, Berlin


At abc art berlin contemporary / Station Berlin, Hall 8
Luckenwalder Straße 4-6, 10963 Berlin


The fourth Berlin Art Week will be held from 15–20 September 2015. For six days, art lovers from all over the world will gather in Berlin. Highlights of this year’s week will be the abc – art berlin contemporary, the cooperation project “Stadt/Bild” (Image of a City) as well as the exhibition openings of Cindy Sherman, Alicja Kwade, Paul Mc Carthy and The Archive René Block. Project spaces, private collections and a rich programme of Art Award Ceremonys, Gallery Openings, Performances, Screenings and Talks will round out the week. Berlin Art Week is please to host Talking Galleries in Berlin for the first time.



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